17 February 2009


Okay, okay. I know it’s been forever since I last wrote here, but February has turned out to be a far busier month than I had planned. One of the best parts of this week will come in a couple hours when I attend my first photography class! Sarah Reid and I will be attending together, so be sure to see to watch our progress on our photoblog at mozzarellapics.blogspot.com.

And now my reason for updating this afternoon. When I got back from a meeting in Binghamton this morning, I went to pick up my laptop from the house and looked out into the sunroom to see this:

Yup, that would indeed be a squirrel…on my window feeder. I at least have to give it props for its sheer acrobatic skills.

01 February 2009

A Squirrelly Update

This squirrel was not thrilled to have me back home!

I had a great time in California and I hope to be able to find some time this week to regale you with some tales of my week out there. For now a quick update will have to suffice. Here's a recap:
Monday—traveled to California, saw lots of redwood trees (they really are huge!), heard lots of birds in the canopy of the redwoods
Tuesday—attended some quality workshops/plenary sessions; saw an Acorn Woodpecker
Wednesday—attended a great workshop with Bob Ditter; took train ride into Santa Cruz and walked on the beach and wharf; saw lots of gulls, a brown pelican, and several sea lions; and managed to get shoes wet in Monterey Bay
Thursday—sat outside to listen to morning plenary session
Friday—left beautiful weather to come back to the frozen tundra and…my new Canon Rebel XS!
Saturday—slept; discovered squirrels had discovered my feeders while I was away and nibbled a few holes in my sock feeder; played with my new camera.

A gorgeous day on the beach…